What should I Avoid When Treating a Rash?
Hurting, Not Healing
The internet is full of ideas for healing dry, irritated, or rash-covered skin. Though you may be tempted to try home remedies to treat a rash, we (along with most dermatologists and doctors*) recommend avoiding the following 5 things if you want to promote faster healing.
Don't use rubbing alcohol on rash-affected skin. It stings, dries out your skin, and makes rashes like eczema even worse!
Don't use bar soap. Unless specifically recommended by a medical professional, it's smart to avoid bar soaps while trying to heal your skin. Many can dry out your skin even more.
Avoid Hydrogen Peroxide and bleach. Bleach is never a good healing agent and hydrogen peroxide may help with minor cuts and scrapes, but they can make rashes worse and keep them from healing.
Don't use a triple-antibiotic ointment (TAO) on a rash. TAO doesn't kill the bacteria that cause skin infections. It could actually cause an allergic reaction on the skin (depending on the ingredients.